I went a-garage sale-ing and found a huge pile of fake berries and such for about $5 (though the bag of awesome Christmas beaded garland was thrown out when I discovered it had a massive cat urine smell). When it came time to create some Thanksgiving centerpieces, I had plenty of stuff to use.
Only there wasn't much of any one kind of pick to pull any actual design concept together. By starting with a base of the berry garlands, and just working my way up, I think the little creations came out very sweet and festive indeed.
~Arrangement 1~
a bunch of nothingness
a bunch of weird yellow things
pinecones and leaves are nice
a white feathered bird, glittered acorns and a feathered pick adds some balance
~Arrangement 2~
For the second arrangement, I'll spare you the details, but here is my "spread" of choices:
almost finished...
a nest, bird and some berries complete it (though, I wish I had cut off that weird daisy)
~Thanksgiving display, on my overcrowded bar~
* yes, this post is 4 months overdue, but I had to write it so I could delete my pictures ;) But, the concept here can apply to any season, with any type of riff raff you have strung around the place. Nester also has some good advice and ideas on making a centerpiece with things you have.
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