Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Lost Wednesdays: LA X Parts 1 & 2


Okay, so let me just get this out of the way: WTF?!?

Great premiere, I was gripped, but I don’t know what the hell is going on. I’m willing to go along for the ride, I just hope there are answers along the way somewhere.

So…a parallel universe…okay. What? Not that I mind. Seems like kind of a cool idea even if the island is now sunk. I know some people don’t like flashbacks and flash forwards but I always have. Boone (who looks much cuter these days than he ever did on LOST) and no Shannon, Jack losing his father’s body and saving a surly Charlie, Locke, Sawyer as cute and flirty as ever, and Claire-in-a-cab. And DESMOND? What? Fun to watch, but I have no idea where they’re going with this. I wonder if Rose is still sick in the alternate universe.

And I suppose I’m right in assuming that Jacob is really dead (good thing Hurley and Miles have always been good at conversing with the recently departed). I would like to know why he didn’t stop Ben from killing him and why its so important for Syed to live (so Jacob could take his body or is he possessed by Smokie now?) I’m glad they confirmed that NotLocke is really the Smoke Monster and that the ash around the cabin is used to keep him out. Talk about a creepy dude/monster—and where is the home he wants to go back to? Terry O’Quinn was amazing as was Michael Emerson. Poor Richard, poor Ben.

I have been Team Sawyer since day one and I kind of hated that they made him go through Juliet’s death again. And now we’re back to the Love Triangle of Doom. When the episode began and Kate went to a passed-out Jack before Sawyer I had to roll my eyes. I was all, like, “Here we go again…” Ugh.

And we finally got to see the Temple. Guy-who-won’t-speak-English-because-he-doesn’t-like-the-feel-of-it-in-his-mouth, I don’t like you. Cheap trick to prolong the mystery. And how many people live on this island anyway?! At least they showed us what was in the guitar case (although we didn’t see the note – another one of Jacob’s lists?) I told my husband if they went Pulp Fiction on us I was going to freak the hell out. And we got to see Cindy and the kids and…John Lennon?!

Can’t wait for Jin and Sun to reunite on the island (but what about their daughter Sun left behind?) I’m also wondering if Sawyer and Juliet will meet up in the alternate reality (“Let’s get coffee sometime”) and I need to know what the deal is with Aaron.

Did you like the premiere? It seems like they are setting up an epic good vs evil clash (although who can say if Jacob is really good). Also seemed to be lots of reference to free will. What are your thoughts?

Photos:  WeHeartIt

Alla Prossima


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