Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Time for a Reboot

I am a hopelessly romantic girl waiting for her fairytale. That faith is one of the great things about me and at the same time is quite an evil. Its hard to so often be the person willing to compromise and wait, hoping for some kind of reciprocation to your feelings. Going out on a limb takes guts, of which I have plenty, but then when you sit long enough you have to begin analyzing "When is it time to throw in the towel?" You need to analyze at what point are you worth more than the situation you are allowing yourself to rest in.

The person that is worth all the waiting you're logging, is going to fight for you, because nothing will be worth the possibility of losing you in their life. Someone who reciprocates that need you have for them. So whatever your routine is for a reboot, be it friends, prayer, family, exercise, a sappy movie and a good cry, or maybe a combination of all of the above, it is time for you to recognize your worth. Grab hold of the amazing person you are and brush your shoulders off, keep that person alive and well and eventually, and when you least expect it, someone will come along that sees more in you than you ever thought probable.

This picture was pulled from one of my favorite blogs Le Love, be sure to give it a look!

What is your reboot routine?

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