Monday, May 30, 2011

Memorial Day Travels & Giveaway Winners

Happy Memorial Day mes cheris! Today I am actually in transit back to New York City and am hoping to do something lovely after my Memorial Day Travels! What weekend holiday fun have you participated in? I will tell you my trip to Savannah was perfect. It was great to spend some quality time with the fam and also great to be in such a beautiful southern city, even if its hard for me to live at such a slow pace, but I had a very happy Memorial Day vacation nonetheless!

{Thanks Katie}

Thanks so much for bearing with me as I took said much needed vacay, I got some sun, and plenty of sleep, and lots o' shopping done ;)  And I am SOOO sorry to delay your giveaway results! Therefore without any more rambling or further ado, I give you the invitation-only Pinterest Giveaway winners!!!

1) Karena of Art by Karena
3) Rosalyn of The Intrigue
5) Lauri
6) April of A.Liz Adventures
*Congratulations on your Wedding Day deary*
7) Tara of Haute Lunch
8) Stephanie
9) Andrea
10) Emily


I will be in contact with each of you this week 
with your special invitation to join Pinterest my dears!


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