Sunday, May 29, 2011

Personal Style: Rhinestones and Pinstripes

Another entirely scavanged outfit. I'm seriously thinking I now own more thrifted clothes
than new store bought clothes since I donated so many of them recently. 
In case you can't tell recently, I feel more at home in calm, neutral colors.

My husband has assured me, my arms are in fact, not larger than my pasty, white legs. 
We measured, just to be certain. Though they are certainly tanner... ha!

 The skirt is a tad too big. But that's fine, cinching the waist works with this bag lady, hobo chic look.

 You can't really see it, but the top has a polka dot design, and I love the casual pin-stripping of the skirt.

 A little bit of glitz adds a certain *something* to the rather plain and oddly worked ensemble.

top: banana republic, thrifted
skirt: american eagle, thrifted
belt: calvin klein, thrifted
necklace: vintage rhinestone, antiquing
old lady shoes: vintage guess booties, thrifted

*linked to clothed much's rule breaking monday


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