Monday, May 30, 2011

Personal Style: Golden

Yep, another fully thrifted outift. Accept for the winged tiger (panther/lion?) necklace, I made that from a vintage stamping. I have about four of them left.

I always thought gold tones were for old ladies. I guess my tastes have matured, fashion has changed, or I am now, an old lady. I'm guessing... okay hoping... it's a mix of all three.
I had this little gray jersey tunic (not a maternity shirt, thank you) for a while, but couldn't find a good top to wear under it. I've also had this sequin gap tank for even longer, and they just came together perfectly one day. Like a casual way to wear evening wear {almost}. The tank is way too big, so I safety pinned the straps like a racerback, makes kind of a cute effect for layering, imo.

I've been looking for a sailor knot type earrings for a while. Who knew I would find this amazing golden vintage pair at a garage sale for 10 cents. Reminds me a bit of the Auryn (from The Never Ending Story).
These shoes are supposed to be for my princess dress. But, I had to give them a test drive with a casual outfit. More comfortable than  imagined for extended periods of time, but not good enough for running around. I'm thinking I will need a pair of glittery toms.

Linked to *thrifters anonymous


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