Wednesday, June 25, 2008


So in order to help turn my Twilight obsession into something productive, I have decided to make Twilight inspired jewelry. It has been sooo fun coming up with new designs and I have lots more in my little head just waiting to be created once my supplies start coming in the mail! See the others and purchase yours HERE!

In the meantime, I sooo wish I had these bedsheets by Tiago da Fonseca, but with a page from the Twilight series of course!

I just had to share this pb and j by Mpatrizio because it is my life sustanance and that it is just too darn cute not to post. Like a little Edward an Bella sandwich!

Also, I posted earlier that I would be posting some of my writings in my LittleLovables Etsy shop in mini books, but every time I pull them out to finese them, I start thinking about Twilight and thoughts of inferiority cloud my mind. WHat is worse, when I try to write something NEW... all I can think about are editions to the books that I would have made... my creativity is totaly shot! No new ideas exist in my head! Thanks, Stephenie Meyers, I will just have to purge myself of all things Twilight so that I can get my mind back. But not until AFTER Breaking Dawn, and the movie, and Midnight Sun... maybe reading the Host will help clear my mind?

For now, my children progress in the creativity world. My 2 1/2 year old drew our dog... an exact image, what an artist! And yes, I was a tired, mindless wit (as explained above) and I wrote the wrong date on his magnadoodle art!


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