Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Parasuco warehouse Sale

Last month I went to this parasuco warehouse sale that they have here every year. Last year I went when they started to close so I had like 5 minutes to shop but this year we went early. It was rainy and windy but when we arrived there was a huge line and they didn't let people with handbags in!

Moreover the sale was inside a tent, yes a big white tent and water were dripping inside it. I thought that if the wind was stronger it would the tent away...

Okaii, now to the selection, as I went on the last day. There was not much left, the jeans were around 30$ each and the style was ugly. No skinnies,only bootcut. The tops were weird too and ranged from 15-25$.

This is what I got. Miniskirts not not my style at all @___@. How do you make it cute instead of sexy?

$5 parasuco checkered mini skirt

$15 parasuco jeans skirt

$5 parasuco mini jeans skirt


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