Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Happy B(EARTH)day to You.

FORGET Earth Day!
Today marks the birth of one of my dearest and oldest friends, the predictably unpredictable ENP!

You can get the lowdown on our long friendship by reading this,
but suffice it to say, my love for ENP runs deep.
She's smart, sassy, independent, and a true pioneer in every sense of the word.
She's a great listener and entertainer, and she won't let you get away with self-pity or ridiculous indulgence for long; in short, she's PRECISELY the kind of friend I need!
Though she's thousands of miles away, we chat for hours a day, and I venture to say we're closer than ever. I wouldn't have it any other way.

Here's to year 24, E. With love.


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