Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Pretty Things

Pretty things today...
I was walking to school this morning, and to my sister's annoyance, I had to stop to take pictures of this mist...
I love the way you can't see the end of the bridge

I am not very good at sewing and things like that. I was looking through some old things in my room the other day. I found a Cross-Stitching set that I had begged my Mum to buy me when I was about 9 from the Victoria and Albert Museum. It was completely untouched so...

I will show you when I have finished it!

Admiring my lovely postcard from Polly AB, now pinned up on the side of my shelf :)

Pretty photocopy! Me, Natalie, Polly Ab.

My new ballet slippers (£15, Topshop)

Hanging pretty things on my wall...

Polly R xoxox


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