Friday, June 19, 2009


Exams are over and now there's three months left of summer to enjoy before starting art school :)
Last week I discovered a lovely website called Plümo (here's the living section). Today I went back to blog it, and there is a sale! How perfect.

These are some of my favourite things:

I saw these shoeboxes in the Weekend magazine. They are lovely and a really neat way to store your shoes, but they are usually £50 for three! (now £39). I think it would be quite easy to cover some old boxes with fabric, tie some ribbons onto the side and add a cellophane window at the front...

I started testing colours for my bedroom yesterday. Right now I have a 50cm square of Designers Guild's Duck Egg Blue painted onto my wall (it looks much more like the left hand square on the website). I love duck egg blue at the moment... I am a bit obsessed with it! I think I might paint the rest of the room white. I'll post pictures when it's all done!
Polly R xx


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