Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Steel windows

Ever since I was a little girl I've always loved design. I would spend hours looking through my grandmother's Southern Living's and would study the home plans extensively (as extensively as a 12 year old would at least.) Then I would get really excited when I would get to the issue that had the "Idea House" since that issue had like 3 homes plus photos of the interiors. I got so into it that I would draw out plans on graph paper (pretty sure my dad still has some to this day.) I had pretty much declared myself as a future architect until I realized how much math was involved and how it wasn't just about deciding how the kitchen would be laid out.

Though my dreams of being an architect are long gone, I still have a very strong sense of what my dream home will consist of and one thing is certain, steel windows:

I've always loved the look of steel windows and doors. I think they look strong, chic and sophisticated. They're such a focal point in a room whether it's an entire wall of windows or just one major window in a kitchen.

It seems like a very European thing but I'm not sure. I'd like to do some research on them to know where they came from and if they served a purpose (steel vs. wood kinda thing.) Windows and lighting are so so so important to me when it comes to a home. I have 7 lamps in my living room. Some would call this crazy but I just happen to love lighting. Ambiance is very important and overhead lighting just will not do.

(All photos via
Things That Inspire)


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