Friday, June 26, 2009

To and Fro

photo by bomobob

A couple of days ago, I took my boys to see Nim's Island. A movie I had never really considered seeing before but it was all that was available.

shipwreck gown by threadbare uk

Our movie theatre has a free kid movie every Tues/Wed in the morning. I, having a hard time leaving my home during the day, decided to face the challenge and take the boys on a rare outing. I felt I had a bit (though not as extreme) in common with Alexandra in the movie who is a raging agoraphobic. We all really enjoyed the message behind the movie. And Gerard Butler. But mostly the message (and scenery).

earrings by kathryn riechert

The message that we must face our fears head on in order to conquer them. That we cannot be stifled by ideals, technology or criticsm lest we should fail to thrive. That sometimes being alone is okay, but having a confidant is even better.

photo by ds brennan

That happiness does not need to come through large means. That not even an expanse of an ocean unexplored cannot keep you from reaching your destiny. (you just need a bit of a push and make an effort to do it).

pelican by sandra healy

So, this is to my staycation this summer, trying to find ways to stay afloat amidst those currents of doubt, fear, anxiety, health, financial struggles, personal limitations...

photo by h o g n e

To aid you in your waves of inspiration, is the lovely Seaside Beauties collage by Faerie Enchantment of the Faerie Zine.


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