Friday, March 26, 2010

Food For Thought: The Career Dilemma

From time to time I find myself daydreaming about how nice it would be to see a big list of all possible jobs.

I could peruse the list and check off what I've done, what I would avoid at all costs, and denote what I wanted to try. By refining this process again and again, I would finally arrive at the "perfect" career for me.

But it doesn't work that way. I've taken some unconventional paths in pursuit of the right thing and, overall, have been very pleased with the results.

Yet part of me wonders if a list like the one described above would help me at all. I feel in my bones that I'm destined to continue on a unique path that will ultimately lead me to where I should be.

But god, maybe it would be easier to just be content working as an investment banker.

Where do you stand on this?


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