Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Lost Wednesdays: The Package


"Some people just aren't meant to be together." Hmmm...could Keamy's words be prophetic? Let's hope not. I've waited long enough for a Jin-Sun reunion, I don't need one of them to go and croak or blow up again. Somehow they need to get home to their daughter. How sweet was Jin when he was looking at those photos? (And yay to the Dharma shout out, bringing Jin to the brainwashing room where Carl was held).

I think this episode was solid. I liked seeing a little backbone from Sun, spoke more to the woman she had become off the island (the one doing deals with Widmore) than the one she was when she originally arrived. I liked the little surprises in the flash sideways--Jin and Sun not being married, Mikhail getting shot in the eye (!), Sun being pregnant, Jin and Sun still being in love when landing at LAX. I wonder what it can all mean and how these two realities will eventually tie together.

On island I think things could be moving faster. I don't need heartwarming scenes with Jack and Sun and a tomato. Sun seemed to have so much animosity for Jack off island I'm surprised she's pledged to trust him now. Does she not remember how Jack and Kate promised to get Jin off the freighter and then left him there?! Stop making promises you can't keep Jack! Anyway, the Widmore-NotLocke showdown was interesting, although I wanted to SCREAM when the Man In Black asked if Widmore knew his name and all Widmore said was, "Well, you're obviously not John Locke."  UGH. You are killing me, people. Just killing me. Slowly.


I. Love. Miles. When Sun lost her ability to speak English and he was all like, "And we're supposed to buy that?" I almost died. Love. Love. Love. It was also great when Sawyer asked NotLocke if he couldn't just pouf and fly over to the next island. No? Yeah, because that'd be ridiculous. (It does make sense that the MiB would need all the candidates to leave the island with him--and Kate's not one of them!)

He is not on anyone's side. Okay?

"A wise man once said that a war was coming to this island, and I think it just got here." Woohoo. The Smoke Monster is mad. Charlie Widmore it is ON.


And it was Desmond locked up on the sub!  Ha! I knew it. (At least I called one thing on this crazy show.) Poor Penny. I don't think this is going to end well. Thoughts?


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