Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Trip to Brighton

Yesterday I went to Brighton on a shopping trip with my friend. I love Brighton so much for wandering around the quirky, beautiful shops. I had to stop myself from buying loads of random stuff but I did buy a few lovely things...

I found this big beautiful vintage tin for £8.50 in a huge amazing junk shop in the North Lanes. My friend and I fell in love with this shop and spent over an hour in there. I wanted to buy everything! They had so many vintage leather suitcases ranging from £12 to £55 but we decided we didn't want to lug them around Brighton for the rest of the day!

I also found these vintage French postcards for 50p each (one is written on, one isn't). I picked up one to send to my next BPS member but I think I may have to keep them both! (Sorry whoever you are!)

In one of my favourite shops in Brighton, Velvet, I bought this paper bunting. They had it in the window and it looked gorgeous. And you know how much I love paper-cut things! It was £7.50 and I'll show you what it looks like when I put it up in my room!



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