Thursday, March 25, 2010

Inspired Room: Bedroom at Tiffany's

Have you seen Enchantresses 3 bedroom reveal? The room is based off of a vinyl decal made in the Tiffany style logo, but altered to reflect the name and details of her little girl, Emmy. The white wall scones with black candles add that perfect touch.

The blue walls are a strong color, but perfect and balanced with the white and black painted furniture and the airy sheer white curtains to let in plenty of light. The black and white polka dot bedding is perfect in this space.

And don't you just love the little play corner, with the mirrors, vinyl wall sticker chandalier, chalk board and zebra print rug? The pink chairs and little white shutters add a nice amount of cheery color as well.

It's definitely charming, diva-lishious and super sweet all at the same time. What a lucky girl!


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