Monday, September 27, 2010

Erica Eriksdotter Giveaway!

Is it Monday already? Seems so, unfortunately, but I have a way to help you battle those Monday blues by way of a great new giveaway sponsored by the amazingly talented and super nice Erica Eriksdotter. The Swedish-born Erica received her first easel at 7 and sold her first painting at 10 (you don't want to know what I was doing at 10--definitely nothing that people would want to buy!) and now recalls that she can't pinpoint exactly when art came into her life, rather it was always there.

After moving to the U.S. at the age of 20 in 2000 to attend George Mason University where she studied communications and public relations Erica also began evolving in terms of her artwork. Where once the artist concentrated on landscapes she soon began working predominantly in acrylics, which remains her main focus today, although Erica does also produce detailed watercolours for Live.Like.You, an interior design website.

"I've focused on close-ups of flowers," Erica says of her recent work. "I love using bold and bright colors and highlighting a certain part of a flower or paint it from an unexpected perspective. There are many layers to each painting." Erica adds layers and layers of paint to her canvas to get the colors just right and then goes back to add the fine details that bring her artwork to life. Inspired by everything from nature and travelling to architecture and fashion (as well as her photographer husband), and through her art Erica hopes to have a similar inspiration effect on others. "I hope to inspire, make people happy with my art," the artist explains. "And strive to make the viewer aware of and believe in the vibrancy of life. It's all about celebrating life with color and bringing joy to the room and the viewer."

If you're in the DC/VA/MD area you're in luck! Erica is participating in the Art on the Avenue show (Booth 168E) on October 2nd in Alexandria, VA--wish I was local so I could check it out!

If you'd like the chance to win a mixed stationery set featuring Erica Eriksdotter's florals just follow the instructions below...

How to Enter

Giveaway is open to followers of Sogni e Sorrisi (new ones, too!) Just visit Erica's website and let me know what your favourite item is.

Extra Entries
1. Follow me on Twitter. Thanks to those who already do--just let me know in your comment!

2. Tweet about this giveaway. To make it easy you can tweet this:
Check out the great Erica Eriksdotter stationary #giveaway @SogniESorrisi!

3. Blog or Facebook about this giveaway. Please leave the URL in your comment.

4. Sign up for the Studio Eriksdotter newsletter (you'll receive studio updates as well as notices of shows and giveaways).

5. Like Studio Eriksdotter on Facebook.

6. Heart Erica's shop on Etsy.

7. Buy something at Erica's great Etsy shop and forward me proof of purchase. {10 Extra Entries}

Giveaway open until October 2, 2010.
Winner will be chosen by

Good Luck and Happy Monday!


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