Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Homefront: Fall Mantel

I'm joining up with Nester's Fall Mantel (Fantel) Linky Party today. Because I did this in a rush, I feel it's too cluttered, but that's alright, I will be changing it Halloween style in about week anyways. So be sure to visit back for that.

I'm not liking the bird, but I love the pine cones, mostly because we have collected them fresh from our new yard, and I've always wanted to do that. I plan to make a garland out of them, maybe for Christmas. This rosemary plant needs to be re-potted, but it smells so nice, and can't wait to use it in my roasted potatoes.

Opinion needed. The "window" mirror is actually black, I placed an empty shabby white frame in front. Should I leave the white frame there, or does the black frame look best? Thanks!


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