Sunday, September 26, 2010

Winner of the Navy Blue Notes Giveaway!

Hey peeps, I hope you're all having a great weekend. I've been working, mostly, but I did get to try a new restaurant when I went out with the girls on Friday. Always love discovering new places. I'm also excited because I have some great new giveaways lined up for all of you. I just love the opportunity to be able to say thanks for coming by, commenting and reading what I have to say. You guys are awesomeness personified. So stay tuned for more giveaways in the weeks to come and don't forget the Lemel Designs Giveaway going on now. Before we get to that, though, there is the business of the winner of the five greeting cards from Navy Blue Notes who is...

Audrey of Audrey Allure

Congrats! Just email me your info and what cards you'd like. Thanks to all who entered and to Kathy of Navy Blue Notes for generously sponsoring this giveaway. If you haven't had a chance I'd suggest you check out her shop, not only is there a card for every occasion but they're hilarious. Personally, I'm a sucker for a snarky, cheeky card.

Don't Get Your Knickers in a Twist
Missing You
Happy Winos Tag
Epic Job

Enjoy the rest of your weekend!


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