Thursday, November 25, 2010

Bird Themed Turkey Day,

As the sounds of the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade fill the air and the smell of stuffing begins to fill your kitchen, I thought I would fill you mind with some inspiration. I am not sure if it is morbid to have a bird themed post on a day staked out for Turkey... buuut these are some great things I have found on Etsy lately and I wanted to share. Also, for some reason I love birds in design... although I am not a big fan of them in person, not sure how that is?

This vintage statement necklace from Vogue World would totally complete your holiday look without appearing like a grade school teacher. A+ for showing up in high style!

My latest Etsy obsession is the Black Baroque shop filled with beautiful sketches on vintage book paper. Perfect for great decor... and my living room just happens to be peacock... hmm.

I am not normally a baby blogger but how adorable is this little number by Beatknits?

I am a firm believer in the lost art of a handwritten letter. This one by Molly Au Contraire is simple and elegant.

And not to have a twisted sense of humor but since this will conclude the end of your meal... make a wish! Maybe you'll get this fab print by Lucky Bluebird Art!

Happy Thanksgiving Darlings!


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