Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Bloggers at Magnolia

I have loved meeting up with friends now that I live somewhere new. On Saturday I got to relax and chat with a very good Blogger friend, Janet! Writer of the wonderful blog Designing Mazorie.

We met for a coffee and delish cupcakes at the ever popular Magnolia Bakery on the Upper West Side. She is such a doll and knows her style for sure! We chatted about all facets of NYC life and work and I got a sneak peak at her latest venture! As a freelance jewelry artist she already makes a living doing fabulous work but these rings she showed me were fresh off the press and fantastic!

I got Pumpkin and Snikerdoodle...and the Pumpkin is TO DIE FOR!

Be sure to check out Janet's blog here... and tell me... her rings are amazing aren't they!?!

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