Monday, November 29, 2010

Inviting apartment

Another interior for you! I love the natural, laid-back colour palette in this beautifully light attic apartment. Carefully placed homely clutter brings a cosy feel to it, and the various plants and pale colours on the walls give it a freshness. I can definitely imagine living here!

via here

I went home to London at the weekend and had a wonderful time catching up with old friends. It has made me look forward to the Christmas break even more - less than 3 weeks to go!
It's all snowy here in England at the moment, and freezing cold. It makes me want to stay in bed all day. We've been having our own version of the tv programme "Come Dine With Me" in our flat recently and my flatmate made delicious pizzas this evening. I better run - she has bought us GU chocolate tart for dessert!
Have a lovely week xxx


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