Thursday, November 25, 2010

Textstyles & Corduroy Magazine's Pop Up Closet and The One of a Kind Show

Happy Friday everyone! I hope my American friends enjoyed their Thanksgiving and everyone survives Black Friday shopping. Is it me or are there a ton more sales this side of the border this year? (More on a sale I jumped at below). This week I was happy to attend the preview of two great events, the first being the Holiday Pop Up Closet curated by the lovely Stefania of Textstyles (check out her blog and photographs--just fab) and Tim Chan of Corduroy, with proceeds being donated to the Holland Bloorview Kids Rehabilitation Hospital.

Being held at Chasse Gardé (who will also be hosting a Magwood pop up soon) from November 26 to 28, this pop up is a great opportunity to snag some super Christmas gifts. I was actually sad that I had finished all my shopping already, although I did grab one thing for myself! The items are presented on vintage furniture for a kind of walk-in closet feel, and are all marked with handwritten tabs giving background on the designers and brands and why they were chosen.

The shop has items for both men and women that range from Field Notes retro notebooks, Manimal Moccasins and great toques to supple leather wallets and chunky scarves made of mohair and alpaca. I was charmed by the Maude & Colette pretzel necklaces by Jacqueline Lane, the sweet smelling body products from Love Fresh Body Goodies, and the leather rucksack from Vancouver's Palmer & Sons. Want to rock a turban this holiday season? There were some velvet ones by Leilanni Todd. Love Emerson Made? The shop has multiple sets of clutches and blossoms that would make perfect gifts. If you're in the area you should really go. I mean, great products and a great cause--how can you go wrong?

I also attended a preview for the One of a Kind Christmas Show being held at Exhibition Place from November 25 to December 5. It was my first time attending the show, although I knew it would be right up my alley. What's better than over 800 artisans selling their creative, unique and beautiful wares in one place? There was everything from One of a Kind Fashion and Flavors to Green products and a whole selection of Rising Stars and first-time exhibitors. Canadian House & Home had a booth and there was also a Love competition with different exhibitors showcasing products inspired by love (my fave was the bright red "Love" buzzer/doorbell by Buzzz). The show also features fashion shows and demos on everything from woodworking to tapestry making.

First off we were treated to a truly delicious breakfast cooked by the Culinary Management students of George Brown College's Chef School. As a girl who usually eats breakfast for dinner and not much in the morning this was a treat. There were both hot and cold selections (poached pears, fresh fruit salad, crispy granola) and I opted to have a small sample of all three hot offerings a Scottish Egg, Cornflake Crusted French Toast with berries and syrup and Wild Mushroom, Spinach and Goat Cheese Tarts. All were new experiences for me and can I just say it was freakin' delicious.

After downing breakfast and meeting some new friends I headed off to tackle the maze of booths. It was overwhelming at first, but I soon found myself absorbed with discovering all this new (to me) talent. I'm planning one showcasing some of my faves in separate posts--there are just too many to fit into one--but suffice it to say that there was a ton of stuff I just loved. And some gorgeous booths, too, like this one from Flakes Paperie.

If you're looking for unique Christmas gifts this is certainly the place to hit. You'll find everything from dinnerware and jewellery to original paintings and clothing. I have to say that the pieces that seemed to speak to me the most were those made out of wood. Observe:

Stinson Studios

A tray made out of a recycled wine barrel from Wine Planks

Wood and Slate Blackboard by Kino Guérin

Annnd after hitting the show I scored a pair of great TopShop flats.

All TopShop shoes at Jonathan + Olivia (have you been? great
shop!) were 40% off, definitely not something I could pass up.

I hope you all have a wonderful weekend and
don't forget to enter the Orient Watch Giveaway!



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