Monday, May 2, 2011

God Bless America

A huge step in the Fight on Terrorism was made yesterday and God Bless America as we move onward. I had an entirely different post in mind for this lovely Monday morning, but when Osama Bin Laden is finally found dead...all else holds no priority.

Twitter was absolutely flooded last night with streams of comradery, support, remembrance of lives lost over the last 10 years, and live pictures of NYC as the news broke. Here is a video from Ground Zero last night. Running through New York this morning was like breathing in freedom. I never tire of hearing the amazing stories every New Yorker holds of their attachment to that fateful day when our skyline changed forever. And seeing the people gather together in Times Square and Ground Zero to celebrate this great feat was truly  moving.

{photos pinned on Pinterest}

God Bless America


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