Tuesday, August 18, 2009

a letter addressed to Heaven.:

{me, gma allen & geoff.}

dearest gma allen,

summer has come to pass quite fast this year. its not the same without you here. nothing is the same. i have only swam once this year--i know! i used to be a fish--so much has changed.
we miss you. i miss you everyday. i always look at precious photos of us & i smile, remembering each moment vividly. if i close my eyes tight enough, & block out the world around me i can still hear the laughter echoing through your house, i can still smell the perfume on your sweater as i hugged you. you are missed, but you will never be forgotten. never.

i miss you, grandma. how i long to rewind time & push pause. wouldn't that be something? i would want to relive so many moments...but i can't--i can only cherish the memories you have left us with, & be thankful for having had you in my life. our lives. i am so blessed. we are so blessed for having you.

i know you watch upon us, laughing right along in our happy moments, & patting us softly on the back when we have been defeated. i know you are cheering for us in our successes, and i know you are helping us every step of the way... thank you, grandma.

i miss you so much. know that i love you, & that you are always in my heart. Always.

i love you grandma,
i always have & i always will.

Love always & forever.
Anna Banana.


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