Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Things That Make Me Smile, Against All Odds.

Things aren't good, though God knows I'm trying.
The blog is now private.
If you're reading this, thank you.
Thank you for your interest, your loyalty, and for validating my thoughts.

I didn't start this blog for anyone but myself.
I think I live a good and interesting life and I felt like I wanted to record it so that on nostalgic or difficult days I could review everything and realize both how much I have to be grateful for and how much I have accomplished.
I consider it my good fortune, and a pleasant surprise, that others want to read what I have to say.

I have worked hard to carve out my own special place in a section of the world that matters to me, and I wanted to celebrate it. Sometimes friends have joked that I am like Charlotte York Goldenblatt from Sex and the City, and on bad days I like to tally our similarities:
-Art History education and work in the field in NYC (she, a gallerina; me, a Sotheby's girl)
-A good, solid Jewish boyfriend (a former lawyer, no less) who loves his family and loves me
-The good fortune to wear the fashions that make me happy
-Shiny hair
-I have even lived in a Penthouse on Park Avenue (South).

And this is my life.
Lately, some people have been trying to make me apologize for it.
It won't last forever. But this is where things are right now.

I'm running away from the City for a few days to clear my head. Therefore, I'm doing my usual Friday "Things That Make Me Smile" post today.

And what makes me smile?

In keeping with my other posts on this topic, here are a few other things that make me smile too:

1) Taylor Swift.
Everything about this girl is perfection.
She is talented and beautiful, which, in a way, has nothing to do with her.
But she has chosen to be kind, generous, sensible, sophisticated and wise.
There aren't many celebrities--or civilians for that matter--who elect to value these qualities and I'm so grateful that amidst all of the shameful stories I read on celebrity blogs, all things associated with Taylor are positive, happy, reassuring.
She's 4 years younger than me, but I am constantly learning by her example.

2) Twists on a Classic.
As you know, I love the "Keep Calm and Carry On" mantra. But I believe that axioms only "work" at certain times. Life can get complicated and messy and the only thing to do when that happens is to go easy on yourself and have a little fun...hence the NOW PANIC and FREAK OUT mug. Everyone's entitled to a little freak out now and then.

3) 220 acres in Western Massachusetts.
The Bunny and I have friends who own a large mountaintop property that we have been lucky to be invited to a number of times. We have visited in every season and it's always beautiful and always refreshing; a few days in the country provides a much needed break from the city.
And, I can cartwheel to my heart's delight.

Take care and talk soon.


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