Wednesday, August 26, 2009

You are So Invited

Well, at least you would be invited if I had thrown this absolutely stunning party. I found it at Mrs. Blandings. through the extraordinary talent of David Jimenez. The only complaint I have is that I am not sitting at a chair in front of that amazing cake. I mean, can it be anymore amazing? (chandler bing voice there)

Would it not be fun to make a virtual party? We can pick a theme and colors, then everyone is assigned something to photograph (balloons, lightening, cake stand, fancy chair, cakes, place setting, flowers, table, yourself in a party dress...) Send them to me and I will create the final collage image of the party, similar to my last post of the dining room. What do you think? Any volunteers? I would love to have about 5 or 6, but the more the merrier, and you will be credited for your photo. That way, we can all have a party together! Comment or email me if interested.


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