Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Lost Wednesdays: Ab Aeterno


Dynamite episode, no Black Rock pun intended. My heart went out to Richard. Talk about bad luck. And what was with the priest not absolving him?! And poor Richard not ageing all these years and trying to redeem himself for what was essentially an accident. It was great getting a glimpse into the past of the island and we got one question answered—how the statue got destroyed—cool and all, but I would rather know how it got there in the first place.

I thought it was interesting that Jacob stopped Richard from killing him, but allowed Ben too—even goaded him into it. Perhaps Jacob knew the time had finally come for someone else to step into his shoes? Also wonder why the Man in Black gave Richard the same instructions about killing Jacob that Dogen gave Sayid about killing the MiB? Obviously its important to stab them before they talk—but Ben stabbed Jacob after he spoke. Maybe its just that both can be very convincing when they want to be?

Hard to know when anyone on this island is telling the truth. The Man in Black was obviously playing Richard like a fiddle—heaven, hell, visions of his dead wife; but I’m not sure Jacob can be entirely trusted either. When Jacob and Richard were talking Jacob really came across as God-like. Not wanting to interfere, wanting people to choose the right path of their own free will (thought it was great when Richard said if Jacob wouldn’t interfere the MiB would and then got offered a job.) But then Jacob couldn’t offer Richard absolution…? It seems clear to me, though, that they aren’t dead and that the island isn’t hell.

Assuming Jacob is telling the truth, I think its interesting that the island is the “cork” holding evil in (and according to Richard’s wife if the MiB gets off the island everyone will go to hell?!) I am assuming the Man in Black is the evil. If he gets off the island it’ll be very, very bad? So two new questions (arrrgh!): 1. If Jacob is dead why does the Man in Black still need help getting off the island? and 2. What does that mean for the sideways world when the island is under water? Am I correct in assuming that the sideways world is one where the Man in Black has escaped the island—or has died with it?

I also found it hard to believe that the MiB would ‘fess up to being the smoke monster, especially when he had to know that Richard would think he “killed” his wife or seemed to. Seems strange.

Love the touch with the stone—hello, scales in the cave.

This episode and the last have been my favourite episodes in…well, a long, long time. Wouldn't it be funny if Jack took over the Jacob role and Sawyer ended up in the MiB's place as the island's "security system"? You can totally see those two in 200 years sitting around eating fish and threatening to kill one another. Seems like things are gearing up for a great finish, I hope they don’t lose the momentum now. What did you think?


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