Wednesday, March 24, 2010

My Creative Space

I'm now on my FMP (Final Major Project) at art college. Wow it seems like I only just started the year and it's almost all over! We had to write our own briefs from scratch and I chose to look at animals, focusing on the patterns on butterflies and the feathers on birds, and maybe reptiles too, to create a textiles print for interiors. It's a bit wishy-washy at the moment as I've only just started!

So these are some quick sketches I did of feathers in the Natural History Museum. I'll probably be making another trip there because there was so much to take in for one day! 

And today I went to London Zoo. My favourite part was the Butterfly Paradise. You walk into it and there are hundreds and hundreds of butteflies flying around you. It was really magical. Unfortunately it was so humid that my DSLR lens steamed up and I had to use my point and shoot but I think the pictures turned out ok anyway!

I have a cold as of today and am desperately eating an orange right now and sipping a hot honey and lemon in an attempt to get better quickly! I'm off for an early bed now, so I'll be back to posting tomorrow.
Love xxx


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