Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Atmospheric Potential

Who ever said the sky was limit?
Personally, I want to go past the ozone layer.
~Jessica Kelly

*merci Fenanda Prestes Photography*

Ambition is always something that came natural to me, and I'd like to think its contagious, so please catch my disease. Think of your "life plan" now think of your "wildest dreams" how big is the gap? How about bridging that just a bit? You can only accomplish what you allow yourself to believe you can accomplish. Far too often we fall victim to our own crime of limiting ourselves, and I think that is the worst thing to be held prisoner to. Do you realize you have the capacity to make all your wildest dreams come true? No, I am not talking about Jiminey Cricket, I am talking about you. What do you really, deep in your gut, want out of life? Well, then make it happen. Grab life by the horns and lead it away into the wilderness. One of my favorite quotes directs to aim for the moon, the absolute highest goal you can imagine for yourself, because then even if you don't get all the way, you still arrive among the stars. That is unintentionally how I have always lived my life: if I say I'm going to do something, I mean it, and I do it. I don't allow myself to settle for mediocre when I know fabulous is just a good umph away.

So please, the next time you try to limit yourself to what people tell you, you can't do, or even worse what you think is impossible for you, ask yourself one very important question: What do I really want more than anything? Shoot high and go for the goal, as you focus on the little steps along the way, you'll look up and one day realize the huge leaps and bounds you have made in getting there.

*thanks weheartit for the photos*

See you in space!

Don't forget today is your last day to VOTE on Etsy for the Embellished Necktie and grab yourself a chance at a fabulous French photo HERE!


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