Saturday, April 24, 2010

Sunday and a Giveaway Winner

I hope all you lovelies are having a relaxing Sunday. This weekend has been wonderful, isn't it great when the warm weather finally starts coming around. Its funny how dependent I am on sunshine and blue skies for total happiness, its so fleeting in the winter and with the freezing weather on top of that, its just too much for me to handle. This whole week I've been taking advantage of wearing my dresses and sunglasses with all my new gladiator sandals, its been a much needed change.

*merci WeHeartIt*

But today I am here to bring some sunshine to one lucky Embellisher all the way from Israel! I hope you all enjoyed learning about Orly and her Shop, and were super excited about this giveaway like I was! So I won't hold you in suspense any longer

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Congratulations... Amber of Travelling Amber!!!

*thanks Orly for the pic*

I hope this brightens your day, and for the rest of you lovelies, don't worry you will of course get your shot in a giveaway coming up very soon!


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