Thursday, April 29, 2010

Classic Gent

There is nothing more sexy to me than a man in suspenders, or maybe a vested suit. The classic tailoring and detail of menswear is enticing and there is no woman I know of that can say no to a man dressed for the executive's office.

Maybe the draw of suspenders is that they're more unique in this day and age, such a throwback to a time when men were gentlemen and women were ladies, where men swept women off their feet and danced with them into the sunset of the silver screen.

But I must say, I do think women carry a special liking for suspenders because its something nice to hold on to, like a tie, to pull in for the perfect kiss!

*thanks tumblr and weheartit for the photos*

So whether you are sporting plaids or pinstripe guys, top it off with a pair of suspenders or make your look a complete three piece suit and take note of how many heads you can turn over happy hour!

Here's to the gentlemen!
Ladies what do you think?


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