Monday, May 24, 2010

Lost Finale: The End


I'm still processing last night's episode, but I find that I'm pretty much on the fence. I'm glad the Losties found their happy ending, reunited and together again, but I can't help but feel like the writers copped out (and some parts were pure cheese). Not one real answer, although I suppose I should have known better than to expect any. Maybe they just want us to buy the DVD?  (insert eye roll here)

I guess the writers would say that answers weren't the point of the series. Perhaps not, but after stringing me along for years I would still appreciate a few answers, in addition to all the light imagery and boo-hooing over Jack's journey (and, really, was anyone surprised that he was the one to make the final sacrifice?) I'm not a hundred percent sure what I'm supposed to take away from it all other than we all die at one point or another, its all real, but there is no real "now." Okey dokey. I guess the whole point was the characters' evolution? That the island was just what facilitated their changing and growing? Blah. Call me greedy, but I wanted more than that.

A very old bottle of Oceanic water

I think a lot of the little things were well done. Vincent lying down beside Jack as he was dying was beautiful. Not even Jack had to die alone (the running shoe in the tree was also a nice touch). Ben deciding to wait outside the church to "sort some things out" was appropriate. Loved Juliet and Sawyer finding one another again and Sawyer and Jack's handshake. The scenes between Jack and Locke were also so well done. I did find the whole Kate-Jack thing kind of forced. I know they were engaged off-island, but it seems like any time she actually had a choice between Jack and Sawyer she chose Sawyer so why the change now? Maybe because Kate finally realized that Sawyer wouldn't have her anymore? Lame. Although I will say that I liked that Kate's a-ha moment was delivering Aaron and not when she first spotted the Doc.

In true LOST style the finale just left me with more questions. So what happens to the ones who got off the island on the plane? To Hurley and Ben? Did Desmond ever get back to Penny? I guess we get to make up our own stories for the characters, imagine what we would like to have happened...I just feel like something was missing, that there should have been more meat.

A Multi-Faith Afterlife

I'm not sure what else there is to say. I guess some gnawing questions will just go unanswered. It seems that the writers wanted the ending to be somewhat ambiguous. All I do know is that LOST, even with it's flaws, was one of my favourite television shows ever. I loved the tongue-in-cheek writing, the Easter eggs, the relationships, the humor. I'll miss it for sure. Hopefully other television writers will heed the example of LOST--I think there is room on television for a convoluted, difficult to follow, but ultimately intelligent and challenging show. So, in the words of Jimmy Kimmel, aloha LOST. It was nice knowing you.

What did you think of the finale?

I'd also like to thank all of you who came here to
 discuss and comment on the show.
I really enjoyed talking about it and dissecting it with you!


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