Friday, May 28, 2010

Pin it Forward: What Home Means to Me pt 1

 I've joined in with Victoria of sfgirlbybay's pinterest pin it forward sharing. It was a real treat to be a part of this bloggy experiment. Read here to see how it works, and here for the schedule, and you can see the sfgirlbybay boards here. I had so many I liked, I'll have to do it in two parts.

Visit my pinboard to see more of the things of what home means to me. In essence, it is a serene haven, that is not without it's crazy times, but throw in some family snuggles, faith, sweets, and lots of white and modern vintage quirkiness... and that is where my heart is.

The next blogger in my group on the list is milk & honey, so be sure to check her "what home means to me" post on May 31st. Can't wait? Visit other groups pins here.


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