Monday, August 30, 2010

Drop into Fall Giveaway

Lovelies, something I can't get enough of in Autumn are the mille feuille rich jewel toned colors in my wardrobe complemented by gorgeous gold statement accessories. Celeste Lauren is a local Charlotte artisan that really brings her A Game to her Etsy shop, Celeste Lauren Designs,packed with items you could easily wear to work or to spice things up for a night on the town. Enjoy a little handmade goodness and get your game face on for Fall Fashion darlings...the big guns of NY, Paris and the likes are about to hit you in the face with another dreamy Fashion Week soon.

{Harper's Bazaar}

What got you started in jewelry? Ive always been a creative, artsy person that liked to paint, draw, create etc. but hadn't done anything in years with it. So one day I decided that I wanted to make a necklace and went to a local bead store and it all went from there...I became addicted to beads and gemstones. Ive taught myself everything with a lot of trial and error and its been so much fun. I always get so excited to buy new supplies and gemstones are like candy to me, so sparkly and gorgeous!

What inspires you the most? I'd say what inspires me most is current fashion and trends. I try to make jewelry that most people would want to wear on a daily basis whether its at the office or out for the night. If I don't like something and wouldn't personally wear it, I wont put it up for sale in my shop. I never really know what I will create ahead of time, it all depends on my mood that day so I end up with a great assortment of jewelry.

What are you hoping for the future of Celeste Lauren Designs? Ideally I'd hope that I can create jewelry full-time. There is something that is so fulfilling about creating something with your own hands and have others enjoy it as much as you do.

If you had a super power what would it be? Remember the Jetsons where they could just zap themselves wherever they wanted in a flash...well I wish I had a little zapper button I could push and be magically transported to the place of my choice. I could relax on the beach, explore in the mountains all at the press of a button.

Be a winner of these beauties above darlings!

Contest ends Thursday, September 2nd Midnight NYC time
*US Residents Only*

Enter by:
1. Tell me your fav piece from Celeste Lauren Designs
(comment your fav piece below)

Optional Extra Chances:
2. Tweet/Facebook Contest
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4. Be a follower of The Embellished Life
(comment below)

Good luck darlings!


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