Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Vatican City Darlings

My whirlwind trip of Italy would not have been complete without Rome and the Vatican! Rome is still to come, but please enjoy your trip to the Vatican City today mes cheries. It is an independent country complete with its own flag, national guards and everything.

St. Peter's Square, taken from the stage where the Pope gives his speeches.

After having a Pope that was an art enthusiast, the Vatican has been home to many great pieces of art like Laocoön and His Sons over the centuries. Some of the most famous works of course created by Michaelangelo.

Most moving moment in Italy was this: Michaelangelo's Pieta. With the first two being in Paris, this rounded off my trips to see all three of my favorite sculptures. St. Peter's Basilica was in incredible, housing Bernini's Alter and the Chair of St. Peter along with an unending array of mosaic artwork, it easily takes the cake as my favorite Basilica.

The Sistine Chapel was an incredible experience. I was overwhelmed with the vast details that went into every story and scene depicted. Interesting fact: Michelangelo painted the Sistine Chapel Ceiling in his 30's and was not commissioned until his 60's to paint the Last Judgement on the front wall.

Have you seen the Vatican City mes cheries?


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