Friday, September 3, 2010

Lanvin for H&M, The Shore and Rue Magazine

I tweeted about it yesterday, so excited! It is on...
November 20th! Who else can't wait?

And did anyone else watch Jersey Shore last night? We were joking last week that a drinking game involving the word "done" would work well. At this point I think I would be in a drunken stupor with alcohol poisoning. Suffice it to say I think like Ronnie has acted like a jerk supreme this season--not really his style, it seems--but Sami is so annoying I can't even muster up any sympathy for her. I can't believe how she's treating Jenni and Snooki...I guess some people have to play the victim 24/7. I'm loving how Vinny is coming out of his shell this season and Angelina...ick. Just ick.

Oh, and check out this great preview of Rue Magazine, which can be found on Style Me Pretty. I'm so excited to see the finished product!


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