Friday, September 3, 2010

Lindy Hop - The Original Swing Dance - New York 1939

Lindy Hop - The original Swing Dance - New York 1939

No one can really experience the feel of the 1940's and not try the Lindy Hop dance. The original swing dance.
The Lindy Hop was inspired from headlines like Lindy Hops atlantic after  Charles Lindbergh's flight to Paris back in 1927 . It's also known as the Jitterbug. It is an unashamedly joyful dance. The embracing hold, and the turns from Europe, the body moves from Africa. This dance evolved along with the new swing music,
This little gem was filmed at the World Fair in New York in 1939. A nation as yet untouched by war.
Courtesy of the Prelinger Archive


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