Wednesday, September 1, 2010

to natalie: a note from your aunt "nina".

{natalie & julia. August 2010.}
i won't be there tomorrow to kiss you before you are wheeled into surgery- but as you close your eyes to dream, dream of hugs, snuggles & Love. (and story-times filled with cuddles from your aunt "nina".)

everyone is praying for you baby girl. 
all. around. the. world!

i will be thinking of you all day tomorrow- & you will be in my heart, as you always are.

And, when you get back, we will dance around & sing to mamma mia like we love to do together. ok? 

I love you, precious natalie. 
so many hugs & snuggles,

Angels descending, bring from above, Echoes of mercy, whispers of love.   -Fanny J. Crosby


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