Thursday, October 22, 2009

is it friday, yet?

{via: tumblr.}
dearest darlings,
this week has been quite funky. everything has just felt a you know what i mean? perhaps i was too spoiled by our fall break last week & got too comfortable lounging around, sipping apple cider & watching the office all day...

anywho, i've been super busy with lots of exciting projects, & of course, with all of my courses... math 101 has been stealing so much of my time away from your lovely blogs!! math is not my friend...

i'll definitely update you soon about all the goodies i've been working on!!
don't think i've forgotten about you, i could never!

hugs to You all!

p.s. if you want to contribute a special something special for the october giveaway email me ( & let me know! i need a little help... (wink, wink, etsy-ers, wink, wink...)


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