Sunday, October 25, 2009

The September Issue: LIVE!

On Tuesday night I fought off a terrible headache in order to attend a Young Lions event held in the gorgeous New York Public Library at the invitation of my dear friend, MVG. My effort were not without SERIOUS reward! The occasion was entitled "Close Up on Grace Coddington," and offered attendees an intimate conversation between Ms. Coddington, Vogue's Creative Director, and Jay Fielden, an editor at and the New Yorker.

Moments after MVG and I were seated, I noticed a slim figure with a very specific haircut enter the room and sit two rows behind us. It was none other than La Wintour herself, there to support her friend and closest co-worker. I snapped this photo as she left the room at the conclusion of the conversation; I'm particularly proud of this shot and the accidental lighting that almost makes her look like a deity, no?

Back to Grace. The conversation covered her long and interesting life, starting with her childhood in Wales, through her modeling days in Swinging '60s London, and eventually to her time at American Vogue. To be honest, when I was younger I was afraid of Grace and her terrific (in the "terrifying" sense) mop of red hair. But in person she is utterly charming; like the wise great-aunt from whom you have much to learn.

Here are some lovely snippets from Grace:

On reading British Vogue as a child: "I loved to look at the pages and dream."

On having a zest for life in the fashion industry: "The world we live in is so fun, I hope it goes on forever...or at least my life span."

On wearing so many black ensembles: "I just want to put it on like a uniform so I can put all my energy into the clothes I'm gonna photograph."

Jay walked us through some of Grace's best editorials. One in which model Karen Elson is dressed to resemble Grace, is particularly memorable to those of us who have read Vogue in the last two years, as is the editorial featuring Amber Valletta in a world (our world) where technology rules every moment of our lives:

It was a truly special evening. I am so grateful to MVG for treating me to such a memorable occasion and cannot think of anyone with whom I'd rather have shared the experience.

And kudos to Grace for being precisely who she is, and for making beautiful, exceptional art year after year.

BTW, this devil wears Balenciaga.


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