Friday, October 23, 2009

One Lovely Blog Award

My lovely blogger friend Travelling Amber recently bestowed on me this lovely award. She is an ex-pat living in France and has some very funny stories and insight on the comedic life of living in a foreign country full-time! Thank you Amber for the honor.
As instructed, I will now be passing this award along to my Fav Five Bloggers out there!

#1 Couture Carrie - An amazing fashionista (and absolute sweetheart) that always blogs on great style on and off the runways. This is a blog I read religiously!

#2 Cheap Chica's Guide to Style - Lilliana has a true gift for finding what is "in" and at a price your wallet can also be happy about. She is truly what us women need in an economic time like this!

#3 Cheyenne Shultz Photography - To say Cheyenne is gifted with a camera is still doing a huge injustice to the amount of talent this lovely lady has! I visit her blog frequently to look at stunning pictures that inspire me in numerous ways. And in my mind she is already booked for my future engagement, bridal, and wedding pictures.

#4 My Structured Chaos - Ladi Patti is so sweet and a joy to work with. She posts inspiring photography, and wonderful shops she finds on Etsy. I love checking in on her latest finds!

#5 Threadbanger - If you have not experienced Threadbanger yet, your life is not complete. TB is my numero uno go-to site for crafting. Here you can find any how-to for a handmade craft, be it sewing, knitting, diy, the sky is the limit! Hailing from Brooklyn, Corinne, Rob, and Meg are the perfect team to bring you inspiring projects!

I hope you enjoy checking out these amazing blogs! Please give me your thoughts on them, and I'm sure they would appreciate a shout-out on their posts as well!


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