Wednesday, October 28, 2009


Yesterday I spent the day sketching at the Wallace Collection with school. It happened to be right behind the huge Selfridges on Oxford St, so of course I had to nip in there on my lunch break. I quickly found myself in the stationary department and came across this lovely company called Papaya.
I can't find a UK website, but there was a pretty big selection in Selfridges. It sells lovely journals, calenders, postcards, envelopes and cards, wrapping paper, files and even waterbottles and art to hang on your walls. Plus it's not too expensive and the patterns include a lot of birds :) which I love.

I hope you're all well. I seem to be allergic to my own house at the moment. Literally. I come indoors and my eyes itch like crazy. I can't think what it is but it's so annoying!? And we don't even have any pets (unless you count 2 goldfish).


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