Wednesday, October 28, 2009

{October giveaway!}

my sweets,
remember the promise i made about every month having a giveaway... well, i am so very excited to have been able to find a lovely artist whom is helping with this month's treat...

Becky of RWestdesigns was so very kind & is going to giveaway these adorable earrings to one lucky reader!!

they are absolutely dashing & have the cutest name: "polka dots."

here's how to enter for a chance(s) to win:
simply leave a comment below with your name.
{so i can contact you, if your name is drawn.}
2. becoming a follower of Becky's blog gets you an additional entry. {please state that you have done so in your comment.}
3. following Becky on twitter gets you an addition entry. {please state that you have done so in your comment.}
4. blogging about this giveaway gets you an additional entry. {please state that you have done so in your comment.}
5. becoming a fan of RWestDesigns Jewelry on facebook gets you an additional entry.
{please state that you have done so in your comment.}
6. following littleremindersoflove on facebook gets you an additional entry. {please state that you have done so in your comment.}

whew 6 chances!!
please only post once--stating all of the other steps you have done: ie: a tweet, a follow etc...

questions? email me at:

a winner will be picked at random saturday, november 7...

good luck!


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