Saturday, April 17, 2010

Curly Hair Trauma and Giveaway Winner!

I hope you all enjoyed learning about DevaCurl and are well on your way to becoming sold out fans like I now am!

Since you all were gracious enough to bare your most embarrassing curly hair stories,
I will lighten your day with mine:

I have had curly hair all my life and it has definitely been a lifelong learning curve to get it to its beauty today. Those middle school days are the worst aren't they? My most traumatic curly hair story happened in 8th grade, I had just broken up with my Boy du Jour and was wanting a new change, so I headed to Great Clips...{heed my warning to never go there}...I showed a picture to the lady of an old haircut i had that was just above shoulder length and semi-bobbed. Somehow she turned that into this horribly stacked out version what I was wanting. Keep in mind this was still before the wonder of GHD type straighteners, that can magically transform your curly hair into the model straight hair you see in magazines. My hair was huge, it had been cut straight off with no angling, shaping, or layering to let it fall nicely into place and I looked like a kindergarten drawing of a girl, you know, where they draw a block of hair on the stick figures head. I was traumatized, I still hide photos of me from this time!

It took me 21 years to find someone that could properly cut my hair, and I can say that I have never since, nor ever will again, step foot in a Great Clips or similar low-cost cuttery chain! This has definitely been my favorite giveaway so far, I just love finding new beauty products that rock. As I know you guys do to, I won't build up anymore suspense.

The winner of the DevaFuser is...

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Congrats Rachel!!
Here is her curly hair traumatic story:

Once upon a time in the eighth grade I decided to emphasize my already curly hair with a perm. I was going to be different from every other girl at school with straight hair. I had it cut in layers first to give the curls extra bounce and then permed. I came out looking like a poodle with the little puffy fro if you're one of those people who compare humans to their animal look likes or if you prefer plants a pom pom tree. I went to school for one day like this with a scarf and after merciless teasing went straight back to the hairdresser to get it removed. Well - due to the cut up layers - even the straight hair looked disheveled - it was like a female Billy Ray mullet. I had it all chopped off into a bob and did not cut my hair for 6 months. But luckily I had a really good friend who supported my through my hairtastrophy. And she is still one of my best friends to this day and has supported me through even bigger catastrophes. Love her

This is my good friend Rachel, and luckily we supported each other through our mutual bad hairtastrophies, maybe that's what brought us together!! Isn't it great when you can bond over mutual beauty failures? haha! Well definitely check out DevaCurl and brighten your Sunday by giving your hair the DevaFuser, it gets Two Thumbs Up in my book for sure. If you still would like information on the How To and Before + After, the article is still up for your information: HERE.

*thanks weheartit and DevaCurl for the pics*

Have a Happy Sunday Darlings!


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