Friday, April 23, 2010

Homefront: Withered Life

My sons go outside to ride their scooters and play. But they cannot come back inside without bringing me flowers. Sometimes, the stems are so short that I float the blooms, but this morning glory specimen wanted a little bottle of her own. I love using my little vintage apothecary bottles for life baring purposes.

My little jar and crystal window vignette looks so much prettier with a pretty pink wild flower, don't you agree? Some of my glass bottles have sold, but I hope to replace them soon, for my own enjoyment.

This flower died. I was *this close* to throwing the flower away.... but I remembered those two green buds and let the crumbled bloom stay around for a few days. Not thinking much about what would happen.

Then soon enough... Two new blooms and one spent one.

 Patience pays off. When one thing withers away, an opportunity is lost, there is always something else in the works. Some say it is fate, others say it is God preparing a way, others say that's just life. What say you?


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