Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Lost Wednesdays: Everybody Loves Hugo


So Hurley is stepping up to be the leader of the group (even if he doesn't know what he's doing) while Jack is hanging back, being all trusting-like. Huh. Will wonders never cease. Could they be setting it up for Hurley to be Jacob's replacement? In a lot of ways he seems to have the least to go back to in the "real world"--lotto win aside. His flash sideways was also one of the more depressing ones, even once Libby appeared.

I was never emotionally invested in the Libby-Hugo relationship, but I was happy to see that their meeting again in the parallel universe has helped moved things along. It was interesting to see how the two realities were bleeding together for Libby (leading her right back to the mental institution--wonder why she was there in the first place). Thing is I was really interested in the on-island action last night and could have done without all the Hurley-Libby kissy kissy. Let's move things along! I did like the Pierre Chang sighting at the beginning.

As soon as Desmond asked NotLocke, "You brought me all the way out here for this?" I knew he was getting shoved into that hole. Also NotLocke asking him why he wasn't scared -- Desmond's non-fear in direct contrast to Hurley's constant fear. Of course the island isn't done with Desmond and he won't die. He is one of the characters I hope everything works out for. Another should-have-been-a-surprise-but-wasn't was Ilana blowing herself to bits. Gesticulating wildly with all that unstable dynamite in her bag? Not. Smart.

A strange piece of artwork in the Doctor's office

So while Richard and Miles are off trying to blow up the plane (loved Miles when he said he'd seen the smoke monster in action and it didn't seem like it wanted to talk), all the people NotLocke had been waiting for just show up at his camp. I guess things are going full steam ahead from here. His "Hello Jack" was pretty chilling.

I guess we got one answer: The Whispers. Not a shocker, but good to get confirmation. Seems the island is purgatory for some. I just can't believe Hurley didn't play 21 Questions with Michael. Hello?! Seemingly omniscient dead guy in front of you and you don't grill him? Dumb. Dumb. Dumb.

The ending was pretty great with Desmond running over Locke, but he should have backed over him, too. I don't think it will be that easy to kill him. There are surely problems ahead. I guess this is all leading up to the Losties remembering and joining forces and...what? Returning to the underwater island?!

Who dat? Looks like a young Matt Damon.


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