Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Lost Wednesdays: The Last Recruit


Underhelmed? Me, too.

I understand that this episode was all about setting up the action to come, but when is the action actually going to get here? Why are they hoarding it? There are only a few episodes left. Spread. The. Love. I imagine the writers huddled together with all the good stuff clutched to their chests, parcelling out bits and pieces, probably saving the very best for May sweeps. Ugh. I'm impatient on a good day, this is just driving me bananas.

How much did I want to hit Jack when he was talking to NotLocke? A lot. I know LOST is famous for characters who never ask the obvious follow up, but this was ridiculous. Can someone please, please, please find out what this thing is? You would think someone would be a little more interested in the provenance of a smoke monster who can shape shift. Maybe its just me? Of course all Jack wanted to know was whether the MiB was Christian. WHO CARES?!

I did like how everyone was coming together in the flash sideways, although some things were just weird. Ilana The Lawyer seemed to assume that there was only one Claire Littleton in all of Australia. Loved Sawyer and Kate at the precinct, loved Sawyer arresting Sayid (great garden hose bit), and it was great to see John on Jack's operating table. It wasn't a surprise, but I wonder if Jack will be able to "fix" John. (I think it was fitting when MiB said Locke wasn't a believer he was a sucker, was probably true.) I would totally watch a Sawyer-Miles cop spinoff.

So I'm thinking that, for once, Jack is probably right. The Losties are not supposed to leave the island. I hate that Sawyer is wrong, but I can't blame him because he doesn't know that one of them is supposed to be an effin' cork or whatever. No one on this island talks or explains so how are they supposed to know? Jack jumping off the boat seemed to echo Sawyer jumping out of the helicopter. Wonder if Sawyer will end up wanting to get back as badly as Jack did.

How creepy was it when Locke was all like, "You're with me now." Yeesh. Talk about deal with the devil. So is Jack all claimed now like Sayid? And Windmore revoking his deal with Sawyer was not cool, Charles, not cool at all. Wonder how long before Tina Fey/Liz Lemon/Zoe bites it. And no way Sayid killed Desmond. I'm just surprised MiB is so easy to lie to. I guess he can't scan people in Locke form?

I was dying when Sawyer said that Frank looked like someone who just walked off the set of a Burt Reynolds' movie. Dying.

Nice Jin and Sun reunion, finally, although the way they shot it I kept thinking one or the other was going to get zapped by Widmore's electric fence thing. Strange that they chose to speak English to each other, but whatevs. Stranger things have happened on this show. Glad Sun doesn't have to cart around pen and paper anymore.

So maybe meddling Desmond as the new Jacob and Jack as the new MiB? Ah, who am I kidding. I don't know what the hell is going on here.


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