Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Lost Wednesdays: The Candidate

Happy Cinco de Mayo!


WTF, writers? W. T. F.?! Sun and Jin and Sayid and Frank in the span of, what, five minutes? All I said to M was, "If they kill Sawyer I quit. I don't even care what happens after that. I. Quit." His bemused smile told me he didn't exactly believe me. I'm sure he was imagining me in the other room, hands over eyes, demanding he tell me every thing taking place on screen--in detail. Let's all hope for his sake Sawyer doesn't bite it.

The Island's Braintrust

I really don't even know where to begin. I guess its pretty certain that Jack is the candidate and the one who will save all. There were so many "trust me"s and "I'll fix you"s getting thrown around I was starting to get dizzy. What the implications of Parallel Universe Locke being in a plane crash that he caused, which paralyzed him and rendered Anthony Cooper a vegetable, I have no idea. I wonder if Anthony is still the guy Sawyer is looking for in the alt reality. (Did it seem to anyone else that Bernard remembered something when talking to Jack or seemed to know a little of the bigger picture of all of them being on the same plane?)

Not necessary

So, yeah, I still don't think it's all sunk in. I did see the whole C4 bit coming when NotLocke handed Jack his pack, but what I don't totally get is why the bomb went off. Wouldn't it have been like Richard's dynamite? Just fizzling out? Why did Sawyer pulling those wires suddenly make it go off? Didn't get that, but I would appreciate it if anyone could enlighten me!

Jack walking into the water at the end gave a whole Jesus-John The Baptist vibe to all the goings on. His crying face was awful, though. And of course Kate's gunshot wound is non-fatal. The only wounded person in the sub and of course she makes it out alive. Ugh. So now we have to hope that somehow the alternate reality people get back to the island to fix all this mess but...can they? Or is "what's done is done"?

Winner! Winner! Chicken Dinner...?

Just one more question I had -- when everyone was getting into the sub and they were getting shot at by Widmore's guys why didn't NotLocke go all Smoke Monster on them? So many questions, although the previews for next week seem to make clear that there is a right and wrong side to be on in this whole mess--good and evil and all that jazz.


Screencaps {here}


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